User Agreement


Games Services is a marketplace that allows users to offer, sell and buy products. As a marketplace, Games Services does not own or sell the items listed on this site. Most of the cases seller or buyers comes to us for buying or selling accounts we post accounts of sellers and find buyers and take our fees , While Games Services will help to facilitate the resolution of disputes between Buyers and Sellers, Games Services guarantee: the existence, quality, safety or legality of items advertised.

In some cases The actual contract for sale is directly between Buyers and Sellers and we just do middle man services with 10% fee to each buyer and seller in that case we do secure account totally for buyers and will make sure seller receive payment but since for buyers, you are not buying from us and you have your own seller and just need our platform to do trade that means we dont take responsibility of seller for long term. if you buy from us we will take responsibility for everything,

Acceptance of the Agreement. By accessing or using the Site, you hereby agree to accept the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement as a User. You shall be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement with respect to your access or use of this Site and any further upgrade, modification, addition or change to this Site. If you do not accept all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, please do not use this Site. You may not use the Site and may not accept the terms of this Agreement if (a) you are not of legal age to form a binding contract, or (b) you are a person barred from using the Site under the laws of the United States or other countries including the country in which you are a resident or from which you use the Site. Before you continue, you should print off or save a local copy of this Agreement for your records


Personal Data. Any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual.
Games Services Content. Information, text, images, video clips, directories, files, databases or offers available on or through the Site are hereinafter referred to as Games Services Content."
Registered User. Each User who has filled out a registration form on the Site by giving User information (such as name, address, telephone number, fax number, email address, etc.) is a registered user ("Registered User") of Games ServicesGames Services will establish an account ("Account") for each Registered User on the Site and each Registered User will be assigned a user alias ("User Name") and password ("Password") for log¬in access to its Account on the Site.
Third-Party Content. Some of the Games Services Content displayed on the Site is provided or posted by third parties, hereinafter referred to as "Third Party Content."
Third-Party Rights. Third party copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, and other personal or proprietary rights affecting or relating to material or information displayed on the Site, including but not limited to rights of personality and rights of privacy, or affecting or relating to products that are offered or displayed on the Site, are hereafter referred to as "Third Party Rights."